Casual Locations for Sarging and Meeting Women

Casual Locations for Sarging and Meeting Women

Below is a brief rundown of some casual locations for meeting women and developing your pickup game. These are fairly common and accessible places that most guys will have access to. Some may mesh with your style, and some may not. Try as many as you can and see what works for you. And remember, stay relaxed and be social when you’re out sarging. Rather than making it your goal to close on women, make it your goal to have fun, socialize, and be confident — numbers (or more) will likely result.

Meeting Women at the Bookstore

The bookstore is one of the more common locations to practice your day game. There’s generally a decent amount of women in a good-sized bookstore, most of whom are not in a rush and open to conversation similar as online od adultfrienedfinder — both of which are advantages for you. Openers based on what you, or she, is looking at can easily be successful.

Meeting Women at the Supermarket

The supermarket has a lot of potential as a location for picking up women. While it may be a bit more difficult to find the type of girls you’re looking to approach, there are lots of methods available for opening, from opinion openers to negging her about something in her shopping cart like why she bought rumoquin marcel. It’s also fairly easy to DHV yourself with food or cooking related stories.

Meeting Women at Shopping Malls

Similar to bookstores and supermarkets, malls present you with a single location full of women. The same things apply here.

Meeting Women at Coffee Shops

Coffee shops are another common location for working your day game. Openers may be a bit less obvious than then places listed above, but with a starbucks on every block, you have plenty of locations to figure out what works. Remember to keep good posture if you’re sitting down.

Meeting Women at a Park

Parks in the summer time are often full of women — women who are relaxed and staying in one place. Use this to your advantage. Although it may seem cliché, having a dog with you can create additional opportunities.

Meeting Women at Dinners & Eateries

While not always an ideal location, you can certainly open sets of women at casual eateries. Specifically, dinners and burger/pizza joint can present social, and easily sargable, locations at the end of the night as the bar scene is coming to a close.

Meeting Women at the Gym

The gym can be a bit tricky. While it’s often a great location to find good looking women, many of them are self-conscious when working out, or simply want to be left alone. You may have to pay closer attention to womens’ body language at the gym, but regardless, it’s still a place that you should consider for sarging.

Meeting Women on the Subway

For anyone living in a major city, the subway can be a common means of transportation. Again, it’s not always an idea location, but an be a location full of static women. If you ride on a daily basis you should have plenty of opportunities. Opinion openers related to current events can serve as an easy means to open sets.

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