Female Sexual Health -Sexually Transmitted Disease
Table of Contents
This page is devoted to female sexual health and the concerns of sexually transmitted disease.
What Are The Physical Obstacles to Achieving Female Sexual Health?
Fear of Catching a Sexually Transmitted Disease:
Two years ago, a prominent condom company conducted a nationwide survey and found out that 85% of women were more concerned about catching a sexually transmitted disease (especially those that are incurable or fatal) than becoming pregnant while having sex. Unfortunately, a high percentage of the women had scant knowledge about the dozens of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and the symptoms of those diseases.
Women bear the offspring that propagate our species and hold an innate, protectionist survival instinct. Nothing affects female sexual health, from a physical prospective, than the fear of catching a STD and becoming barren because of it.
Between 13 and 15 million new cases of STD’s are diagnosed in the US every year. Some STDs can be cured, but others can never be cured, and some, are fatal with no chance of survival.
What Are The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
- Chancroid is a bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that causes painful sores. Learn about the symptoms of painful Chancroid infection and the choices of traditional and alternative medical treatments.
- Chlamydia is a serious bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that affects over 3 million women annually and has a serious side effect of scaring the fallopian tubes leaving a woman unable to conceive a child. Learn about the symptoms of Chlamydia and what the treatment choices are. Should your sexual partner be tested also?
- Gonorrhea is a bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that can lead to serious complications. It is commonly called “the clap” and can affect several areas of the body. Learn morn about Gonorrhea, symptoms, and treatment options.
- Syphillis is a bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that has the potential of driving the person insane. Learn more about the symptoms of Syphillis and treatment options.
- Nongonococcal Urethritis is a bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that affects a man’s capacity to urinate. It is often times associated in conjunction with Chlamydia. A female needs to be tested for Chlamydia is her partner is diagnosed with Nongonococcal Urethritis.
- Vaginitis is a bacterial Sexually Transmitted Disease that can predispose a woman to more serious infections like AIDS. Learn more about Vaginitis, symptoms, and treatment.

VIRAL INFECTIONS Incurable and Possibly Fatal Infections STDs
- AIDS or HIV represent the serious forms of the viral infection group. Learn more about the possibly ten year dormant period, after exposure, and what the early warning symptoms of the AIDS / HIV virus moving from dormancy to full blown fatal infection.
- HPV/Genital Warts is a viral Sexually Transmitted Disease that is presently incurable. What is most alarming about this particular viral STD is that a high percentage of women go on to develop cervical cancer. Learn more about the dormancy period of HPV/Genital Warts , traditional and alternative treatment options.
- Herpes is an incurable viral Sexually Transmitted Disease that may go undetected inside of a woman for a significant period of time. An increased risk of cancer is the by-product of Herpes exposure, not to mention painful, debilitating flare-ups. Learn more about symptoms, traditional and alternative treatments for Herpes, an incurable viral STD.
- Hepatitis B and C are Sexually Transmitted Diseases that destroy the liver. (The destruction of the liver spells death.) Learn more about viral Hepatitis B and C, early symptoms, traditional treatment and nutritional support.
- Trichomoniasis is a tiny parasite that causes 5 million women to seek medical help each year. Learn more about Trichomoniasis, symptoms and treatment options.
- Pediculosis Pubis is a Sexually Transmitted Disease parasite, virtually invisible to the naked eye. This Sexually Transmitted Disease can be described as pubic lice, or bugs that thrive on pubic hair. They are also known as “crabs” because under an electron microscope their strong, sharp jaws can be easily distinguished from the rest of their body. Learn more about “crabs” and the traditional and alternative means of dealing with them.
- Candida, or common yeast infections affect 6 million women a year. OTC remedies account for $3Billion dollars in sales to combat yeast infections. Learn about the causes of pesky yeast Sexually Transmitted Disease infection, traditional and alternative methods of combating yeast.
Widespread education is to key to safe sex and the decimation of the fear that robs a huge percentage of females from enjoying satisfying sex.
Females need to be especially vigilant about preventing STDs because many diseases can cause permanent damage to their bodies causing them to never be able to have a child, cause cervical cancer, and cause a wide range of incurable health problems such a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Having sex, without a condom, during menstruation, is especially risky because of the increase of contracting HIV during this time. Also douching should be usually avoided because natural bacteria present in the vagina help to stem off a host of opportunistic infections and yeast.
Go to, www.noah-health.org to access this huge NY State database of life-saving information.
Go to, www.kidshealth.org to access a fantastic site furnished by the highly acclaimed, nonprofit Nemours Foundation to help female teenagers learn about their bodies, sexual diseases, symptoms and treatments. Parents love this site too!
If You Have Had Unsafe Sex,
(Shame on You!)
Go to Home STD Test to learn about affordable, anonymous STD Testing!!
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