Pacing In Online Dating
I have posted my online methods recently, and I have had many very successful field reports involving meeting women online. I have given much advice that will help you all achieve online dating success. I feel like I’ve done very well in this aspect of my game, and as a result wanted to share everything that I’ve learned along the way with the world, which is why I have created this online dating guide. However, one thought kept running through my mind as I was pondering about the methods that surround dating online.
The one thought was the fact that so many men get caught up in the online part of online dating on adultfriendrfinder, such as setting up perfect profiles, sending great messages, etc… that they forget that the ultimate goal is to meet these women offline and have a real relationship with them. Once that happens, a man can become addicted to the online game and become a keyboard jockey (or online dating jockey to be precise). When you get into that vicious cycle, it can have a huge negative impact on your offline game since you will be utilizing it so very little.

I realized after going out last weekend that I have neglected certain areas of my game. It’s easy to run through the interest and attraction stages when a girl already has shown interest in you by replying to an ad or posting. By the time you meet her you are in trust/comfort already. Doing this too often will make you start forgetting how to build interest and attraction in the real world, since you’ve been handling it online on a regular basis.
It takes some real talent to be able to turn a complete stranger at a club into a close by the end of the night. By not having to do any offline opening, proper DHV, watching your body language, and actively being on the lookout for IOI’s, IOD’s and negs, you ultimately end up cheating yourself out of some much needed in-field experience. Even if you do a lot of online dating, the chances are still high that you will meet a woman that you really want to pull while you aren’t sitting in front of your PC, so you need to be prepared for that as well.
I feel like I have lost part of my game over the past little while by getting into the bad habit of only using online dating as my primary way to meet women. Even though I know that I am becoming a true master of the online realm, I still feel that in the field is where the true masters are made, not from behind a computer screen.
Maybe in the future it’ll be different, but thats not the way it is today.
I challenge you on your computer now if you’ve been thinking of online dating, make sure you don’t neglect going out into the field frequently. Make online dating something else you do to supplement your real world experience, like a side project. Make it something you do when you’re bored, just too busy to go out, or just looking to a change of pace.
My point is: don’t loose touch with your skills that you develop in the field by neglecting them simply because online dating is faster and at times easier. Obviously, the masters have learned this lesson already, and I just had to learn it the harder way.
Good luck out there!