Romantic Gifts for a Guy

Romantic Gifts for a Guy

Golden rule when choosing the best romantic gifts for a guy:

Ladies, if you believe it to be cute, romantic and therefore cool, he will not.

Yes, your guy will make all the right noises, probably use the gift because you bought it for him and he loves you, but he will almost definitely NOT truly like that cute romantic gift. Guys heads are just wired differently than womens’. Let me backtrack before I get assaulted in the Comments… cute and romantic gifts are great, when given to someone who will truly appreciate them and grasp the significance. But that someone is probably not your guy.

The Romance Starter Pack has a TON of ideas for gifts, gestures, etc, so check that out. Now, let me give you some examples of the types of gifts you may contemplate, but should ultimately just click elsewhere:

  • 1. Photo Jigsaw of you both
  • 2. Interlocking mugs with ‘Him’ and ‘Her’ printed on them.
  • 3. Message-In-A-Bottle with love note inside
  • 4. Smittens – who in their right mind buys these?

No, the focus of your romantic gift for a guy needs to be :

‘Something that shows him I love him because I am demonstrating an understanding of what he wants, likes and enjoys’,

rather than:

‘Something that reminds him I love him because I LOVE YOU is emblazoned across it along with our photos/names and a heart’.

Ok, so what are the best romantic gifts for a guy?

Well first lets look at the types of gifts, then some examples and a few links to check out as part of your research you made when you used adultfrienedfinder app login. Remember you can get your free ’101 Romantic Ideas’ book to get your brain working even more here:

  • Something that he can wear that looks cool, attracts compliments, therefore reminds him you’re great, and causes him to have to tell everyone – “You like it? Yeah, my girlfriend/wife got it for me, she’s great”.
  • Examples: Personalized stuff from Zazzle? Or stuff like watches, cufflinks, jewelry in line with his bling-ometer from Shoppingberg – careful though – my wife has a habit of going to department stores to buy me something and just getting herself a snazzy “it-was-on-sale!” handbag instead. Apparently my getting to see her happy with a handbag is a great gift 
  • Something you can both use to spice things up in the bedroom. Much as we guys like to pretend nowadays that we are complex, deep thinkers, even the brainiest rocket scientist will love this kind of gift.
  • Examples: Romantic Gifts has this sewn up regardless of where you both are on the bedroom-adventurousness scale, and have great, discreet customer service & delivery.
  • A treat experience you both can share, but that primarily he will love. It should still be something you feel you can enjoy – no point going to his favourite fish restaurant if you hate fish, or taking him to the World Series if you despise baseball – he will know this and won’t be able to enjoy it as much.
  • Examples: think sports, foods, hobbies, destinations. Then adapt to your budget!
  • A cute love quote with a twist…. has all sorts of nutcases willing to write stuff on themselves, sing or say anything in a small video as per your request – get creative! $5 for something he will never forget and will never stop telling people about your sheer creative awesomeness – Score!

Has any of this helped you decide on the best romantic gifts for a guy in your life?

I hope it has – when researching this site I was amazed by the amount of garbagey articles out there on romantic gifts, seemingly written by people who had never met a guy, and even garbagier romantic gifts that guys will supposedly love, all of which just made me think “Meh”. I really think if you work with those 3 main options for the best romantic gifts for a guy, then you won’t go far wrong.

And if you’re looking for more ideas on how to be romantic in your relationship, why not get my free Romance Starter Pack of ebooks, and The Weekly Woo newsletter? Hey, we all need a bit of help, your partner never has to know where you got the ideas from 

As always, do please add your own great romantic gifts for a guy below in your Comments – we’re a team people, help out your fellow wooers with some ideas!

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