Selling Yourself to Others

Selling Yourself to Others

When it comes to a relationship, your ability to show your best traits can be a crucial factor in clinching a date. How do you convince someone to take a chance and agree to date you? That’s what selling yourself is all about. Marketing your best traits is the first step.

The truth of the matter is that if you cannot sell yourself as a person to others, you are going to have a difficult time selling them your ideas, wishes and needs as shown in these adultfrienedfinder app reviews. But for many people, it doesn’t come naturally. Shyness or lack of self-worth are just a few of the obstacles that can get in the way.

Be Sold on Yourself

The most important aspect of selling yourself is that you first like and respect who you are and have a high sense of self-worth. Unless it comes naturally, this is probably the hardest part and doesn’t happen overnight.

Find some time to reflect on what you like about yourself. It may help to list all your positive qualities without dwelling on your liabilities. Live in such a way that you would want to be friends with yourself.

Focus on Your Market

What type of person are you looking to meet? Take time to consider the specific attributes and personality traits of the partner you are hoping for. Write it down – the more specific and detailed you can be the better.

Finding Interested Parties

Your perfect partner is probably not going to come to you. So use what you already have! Your hobbies and talents are places to start. Organizations that deal with your interests are a great place to start to sell yourself. Use all the means at your disposal including personal ads, the Internet, family and friends.

The Sales Pitch

Your opening pitch is how you greet others. Make a habit of saying hello, good morning, howdy or whatever phrase you’re comfortable with on a regular basis and to all the people you pass. Then, when you meet someone interesting, you will be much more relaxed when breaking the ice.

After your initial greeting, use the event you are both attending to start a conversation. For example, at the grocery store you might ask for advice on a particular product. Or talk about something your knowledgeable or passionate about. Your enthusiasm will open up further conversation.

Avoid using tacky pick-up lines or goofy cliques. They usually result in rolling eyes and groaning and are generally ineffective. Often considered unimaginative, pick-up lines may make you appear less than sincere.

Be Positive and Enthusiastic

Selling yourself well is the difference between great customer service and poor service. Notice other’s positive attributes. Let others know who you really are by being truthful and honestly caring. Not only that, it will make you feel good about yourself. The last thing you want to do is sell yourself out by compromising your values and principles.

Making the Sale

Possibly the hardest part of selling yourself is learning whether you’ve been successful. The telling sign is a phone number. How do you get their phone number? Ask! It may take practice to feel confident in asking, but it’s the only way to move the relationship forward.

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