8 Great Senior Dating Ideas

8 Great Senior Dating Ideas

Internet dating is the ideal medium for seniors because many of the other options open to younger people become curtailed as you get older. The conventional dating scene is particularly difficult for people over 60. As the rapidly growing senior population become more Internet enabled senior dating can only become more popular.

As a first date, go for activities that encourage conversation, avoid passive activities such as going to the movies. Preferably arrange a date that indulges a mutual hobby. If you are uncomfortable on your own on a first date then go for a date that involves a group activity. Here are some first date ideas all of which will promote conversation:

  • 1. Attending an art gallery.
  • 2. Wine tasting.
  • 3. Attend a charity auction if you share the same causes.
  • 4. If you enjoy walking then you could combine this with a picnic. Your first date could even be a shopping trip where you choose food for the picnic.
  • 5. Ballroom dancing lessons.
  • 6. Attend a book reading if you are both of literary inclination.
  • 7. Attend a car boot sale or flea market.
  • 8. Taking a dating cruise is an excellent senior dating option as its an great way to meet a diverse range of interesting people in a convivial atmosphere with many well organised get-togethers and even if you don’t find that special someone you will have probably had a memorable, enjoyable adventurous holiday that provided a variety of stimulating and novel experiences. For more details see the articlerange.com article on dating cruises.

One recommended senior dating site is eharmony.com. This site is run by a doctor who has researched all of the important considerations that make for compatibility in relationships. This resulted in a 500-question personality test that gives deep insight into your basic character and personality. The result is that matches can be tailored with almost perfect compatibility.

One of the most popular senior dating sites is silversingles.com which is part of americansingles.com. It provides many help options and has a free trial membership. You can also try adultfrienedfinder if you are young at heart. Another major senior dating site is seniorfriendfinder.com

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