Category Archive : Dating Advice

Inner Game – 5 Ways To Improve Yourself

Much of your success as a pick up artist will rest upon the confidence that you have in yourself. Not just confidence in your pick up skills, but confidence in the person you are and the life that you lead. This is often referred to as inner game. Your interaction skills and material will only get you so far. Granted, in many cases that may be far enough to reach the goal that you’re working towards: number closing, kiss closing, bringing a girl (or girls) home. But ultimately, your true character and personality is going to come out — and it should! Don’t base your game around pretending to be something that you’re not. Rather, make yourself into the interesting and quality person that you want to be.

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Rejected by Women? It’s Nothing Personal — Fix Your Approach

Tell me if this is you… You’ve started working up the courage to talk to women out at the bars, but there’s a problem: You’re not getting anywhere. Maybe she shuts you down right after your opener, maybe she bails out 5 minutes into the conversation, or maybe she sticks around just long enough to give you a fake number. In any case, you’re facing female rejection. What steps do you take to move past this?

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Dating Tips

This Page is Devoted to Practical Dating Tips Derived From the Secret AskMichaela Files!

Have you ever walked down a busy street and passed a stranger and felt a little quiver inside like you knew them? 

Have you ever been in a store shopping and someone comes near you to look at something and feel you a strange sense that you know them? 

A lot of unusual incidents happen to us everyday that literally go right over our head. We have a tendency to take everything on a surface level. We live in a deeply superficial age. We are so visually bombarded that the subtle distinctions that make up life simply escape our notice.

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Ten Tips to Online Dating for Christian Singles

What is the secret to success for Christian singles finding love on the Net? Really, it’s all in God’s hands, but you can do some footwork by following our tips. They’re basically an “Online Dating 101 for Christian Singles.”

Ten Tips to Online Dating for Christian Singles

1. Relax and get ready to have fun while you’re looking for love, romance and marriage. Remember, you’re not walking down the aisle yet, you’re just getting started meeting new Christian singles. And the best way to be yourself and really get to know potential matches is to have fun.

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Online Dating Safety

Even though online dating is a wonderful way to meet men and women, boasts tens of thousands of marriages, has millions of singles connecting around the world daily, and has become the norm when it comes to 21st century dating, singles online still wonder if they need to take any precautions with it comes to meeting men and women on the Net.

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BigChurch is the largest dating site devoted to matching up Christian singles. It combines many of the interactive features that make the internet so popular with the features that are used on most dating sites. The combination of features makes for a site that has something for everyone, from the simply curious to the member who wants to use the site for friends, fun and finding a match with another Christian single.

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Typical Relationship Horror Story

Here’s a warning to all of my readers:

You may sleep with a girl’s body, but when it comes to a long-term relationship, you marry her character!

You think you have trouble tolerating her attitude and character now…but you’re resisting breaking up because you do not want to stop having sex with that hot body?

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Top Ten Mistakes Men Make With Women At The Bar or Club

As a veteran pickup coach, I’ve seen it all…

I’ve seen guys who were short, scrawny, and nerdy-looking walk into a club and
leave with the best looking girl in the place.

I’ve seen good-looking, confident guys freeze up when I told them to approach, and then hide from me the rest of the night!

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Now You Can Be the King of French Kissing in 10 Easy Steps!

The way you kiss a girl has a great influence on where things go next. To seduce women and really excite them, and turn your relationship to a more a sexual one quickly, you’ll have to learn the art of French kissing. It’s known as the most passionate type of kissing and will do wonders for your success with women. Conversely, a bad kiss can ruin the chances of sex even before things start to develop. In these simple points will discover how to kiss irresistibly.

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Dating Tips To Attract The Woman You Desire

The men folk are always overenthusiastic about their date and need to inculcate patience by seeking tips on dating, if they really want to be successful on their perfect date. A guy is usually under the impression that their coveted date is the most beautiful girl on this planet and in their enthusiasm of making a good impression of themselves on the girl, sometimes becomes too eager, which may be not be liked by a girl.

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