Category Archive : Relationship Advice

Relationship Advice

Ahhh…relationship advice….I never asked to get involved with it. But my granny said after my heart was shattered into a million pieces, “The broken know how to mend others. 

So that’s me, in a nutshell. I know what it means to be broken. I also know what it means to feel mended and whole. None of us want to be alone. But the risk vs. reward thing is the caveat that is oftentimes in the forefront of our minds when we pursue a dating relationship. Deep inside of us, we know that it is against our design to be isolated and alone. Famous true words, “It is not good that manshould be alone….” echo in our hearts. 

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Relationship Advice For Men

Best Relationship Advice for Men

It is so easy to get confused about good relationship advice for men. It’s either important to be confident and unkind, or sweet and sensitive. Men can be so confused about what women really do want. I would suggest, that unlike the movie, you do not get electrocuted to see if you can listen to women’s thoughts.That’s flat out dangerous and dumb. It’s easier to talk to any girl friends you may have, or just follow along for great ideas.

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Relationship Advice for Women

Great Relationship Advice for Women

To get good relationship advice for women, who do you listen to? Your mom, friends, or magazine articles? You might not always get good relationship advice from any of these sources. Your mom might tell you to be demure and sweet to your partner, while a magazine might encourage you to be a little more risque and adventurous. Friends can give you a whole new perspective, and not necessarily a good one.

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Sexy Ideas To Help You Get Back In Action

When you would rather put on some PJ’s and snuggle up to the bowl of Jelly Bellies than put on your lacey things and snuggle up to your tasty boy toy, you may suffer from dating dispassion. While an occasional night at home with Tivo is healthy, losing momentum in the romance department is not. So, to help launch lazy lovers back into action, here are five titillating ideas for dates, explanations of what you can expect during these dates and where to find them.

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Keeping Your Relationship Healthy

How are you feeling about your relationship as of late? Feeling like there’s nothing wrong, per se, however at the same time things don’t feel right?

Even healthy relationships go through ruts where there are feelings of boredom, negativity, and perhaps even apathy. Our lives are filled with daily routines that we adhere to – and while routines can be comforting, they can also begin to grow old and feel stale. Family mealtime conversation becomes dull; hanging out together feels like an obligation; sex is just going through the motions.

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