First Date Idea – Going For A Meal On Your First Date Is A Great Idea…
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But what’s a great first date idea without the success? People Relationship Dating looks at what you should and should not do on your first date!
Here are some tips and some advice about what to do, and what NOT to do on your first date.
A lot of women have pre-date nerves before the first date – it’s natural. However there’s really no need to stress out the night before.
Instead of taking that “butterflies” in the stomach feeling as nervousness, channel your thoughts into realising it as excitement.
Keep your mind open about how the date with the girl you met with the help of adultfrienedfinder app will go. Don’t presume the worst or expect too much of the best – just go with the flow… Take it easy with the make up – REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE – LESS IS MORE!
As for clothes, wear something classy but not revealing – it’s not nice when you have people talking to your cleavage rather than to you.
First Date Idea Tip : Don’t stray too much from what you normally wear. No matter how great a first date idea is, you don’t want to be sat there adjusting straps, tying bows, or fastening buckles.
Look groomed, and take particular care doing your hair, and your nails. You don’t want to look like you’ve not made the effort.
Pay particular attention to making sure YOU are happy with your hair. If you are not comfortable with your hair, like most women, you probably won’t be able to relax.
First Date Idea Tip : If your hair is normally curly or wavy, and you straighten it, make sure you take an umbrella with you if there is any chance of rain. You don’t want to be worrying about whether the rain will make it frizz.
Don’t wear a brand new pair of shoes that is going to make your feet blister by the time the night is done…
IMPORTANT: Your first date is not the time to break in a new pair of shoes.
Wear something on your feet you know you will be comfortable in. First Date Idea Tip: Be subtle with your perfume – so that he can smell it when you are near to him.

You don’t want clouds of perfume following you and making everyone dizzy wherever you go!
First Date Idea Tip: As you are going for a meal do let him know what kind of food you do like or you don’t.
There is nothing worse than leaving the choice to him, and then realising you are in a restaurant that serves the kind of food you dislike.
So now you are ready: nice hair, nice nails, nice COMFORTABLE shoes.
Smile warmly on seeing him and genuinely and greet him enthusiastically with something along the lines of “Hi! It’s good to see you!”
As you greet him, it’s okay to give him a peck on the cheek.
Don’t flinch if he tries to do the same.
When you sit down at the table, keep the conversation light. Sometimes it helps to think you are talking to your best friend, but remember you are not there to just talk about yourself. Ask him questions too, but remember to keep it light. Nothing too heavy.
Ask him about his day, what he’s been up to, etc. not what his mother’s maiden name was, and when you might get a chance to meet her!
Be natural and be yourself.
First Date Idea Tip: Don’t talk about past experiences with men on your first date and don’t bad-mouth ex-boyfriends, because that could be him one day.
Keep the conversation limited to you and to him.
He doesn’t need to know what a pig your boss is nor does he need to know about people you don’t like – you’ll have ample opportunities as you get to know him better to tell him those things, but not on your first date.
Don’t try to come across as sexy, and don’t try to turn him on by gestures such as licking your fingers suggestively.
Remember, you are not there to give the impression that you are some sex goddess.
Keep him focused on what you are saying not on what you’re doing. You don’t want to come across as cheap or easy.
Remember, it’s about you two getting to know each other.
First Date Idea Tip: If he asks you a question, answer it and ask a question back related to the topic, not something going off at a tangent or completely unrelated to what he just asked you about.
You don’t want a disjointed conversation – that just leads to feeling uncomfortable.
First Date Idea Tip: When it comes to order, don’t leave it to him to order for you. And don’t come across as indecisive. Order for yourself.
Don’t limit yourself to a salad and DON’T TALK OR GO ON ABOUT DIETING! One meal is NOT going to spoil your diet, even if you are dieting! And your first date isn’t the time to talk about the virtues of Dr Atkins.
First Date Idea Tip: If you are not sure about anything on the menu, for heaven’s sake ask! Nothing is worse than a look of disgust when you think you’ve ordered prawns, and get octopus on a plate!
First Date Idea Tip: Excuse yourself briefly after each course (or discreetly check in a small mirror from your handbag), to make sure you don’t have spinach or something of the sort stuck in your teeth.
You don’t want to be thinking he’s admiring the shape of your lips when he is fixated by the remnants of your last course each time you open your mouth.
First Date Idea Tip: A romantic end to the dinner is to suggest sharing a dessert. That’s nice.
Stop and enjoy a coffee after the meal. Suggest ordering the bill if he hasn’t already done so, soon after ordering the coffee.
First Date Idea Tip: It’s better to get it out of the way, so that you leave when you are ready to leave, and not be waiting around for the bill at the end. It’s the worst moment to have uncomfortable silence and the usual moment when it occurs.
Offer to pay half of the bill – chances are he won’t let you, but it will earn a lot of respect for you just for offering.
You want to let him know you are not out to just use him as your walking bank account.
First Date Idea Tip: Wait for him to get up before you do, and leave together.
Most importantly, be yourself throughout the date, and don’t try too hard to impress. That’s his job.
Happy dating!