How To Tell If He’s Serious About You

How To Tell If He’s Serious About You

Have you ever wondered if a guy is really serious in a relationship with you? Or have you experienced nurturing a relationship only for you to find out that the guy is hanging around with another girl? It is every woman’s desire to be truly loved by a man. It is however inevitable that there are men who only take advantage of women and relationships.

While men are always blamed for cheating, women herself could be responsible for making men look at other women. This can easily be avoided by giving men what they actually desire with the help of “The Woman Men Adore… And Never Want To Leave”.

If you are into a relationship right now and you are afraid to experience heartbreak from a man who does not truly care about you, you must be able to know if your boyfriend is truly serious about you. You must be able to identify signs to know if he’s using you and going to dump you soon. Here are some tips on how to tell if he’s serious in a relationship:

You can tell if a guy is serious in a relationship if he can account to you his schedules and activities. One of the things that can tell if a person is just fooling around is if he does not honestly tell you about the things that he does. If he has some activities that he doesn’t want to tell you about for example dating on adultfrienedfinder or if you ask him about particular activities but he avoids and becomes defensive to talk about it, it must be a sign that he is hiding some things from you. You will be able to tell if a guy is serious in a relationship if he is willing to account to you all the things that he does. This simply means that he does not hide something- another relationship, or another woman from you. Ask your guy about what he does when he is not with you and if he avoids the topic, you will find it valuable to be persistent. If he remains mum about schedule and activity issues, it is more likely he is just using you and going to dump you soon.

A guy is serious in a relationship if he has long term plans for your relationship. A man who is truly serious about a relationship will not only think short term about your relationship. He thinks and plans for the future of your relationship. If you ask your man about how he sees your relationship three or four years from now and he is not able to answer you satisfactorily, it must be that he is only thinking about your relationship on a short term basis. A man who is truly serious about a woman would think about the future of their relationship.

If you are serious in a relationship with a guy, it will help if you are able to identify signs to know if he’s using you and going to dump you soon. This will help you avoid the heartache that any girl does not want to experience. You can tell if a guy is serious in a relationship if he can account to you his schedules and activities. In addition to this, a guy is serious with you if he has long term plans for your relationship.

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