Long Distance Relationship Advice

Long Distance Relationship Advice

LDR’s (Long Distance Relationships) happen like tornadoes not much warning and with lots of damage.But in today’s globalized and high tech world where we work, study and play in different countries, cities and states.LDR’s are more and more common and couples everywhere are able to maintain healthy relationships long distance.There is a lot of long distance relationship advice that you will get but if you want your long distance relationship to work there are a number of old but very true rules that you must maintain.


Trusting each other is hard enough in a relationship where you see each other everyday so how do you do it in a long distance relationship? Just do it! If you’ve made it this far it means that both of you want to be in this relationship and you are invested to make it work. Talk about your expectations of each other and make trusting each other a basic condition for being together. You should also create a supportive environment and get lots of friends that you can spend your time with instead of sitting by the phone waiting for your partner to call it, will make the “bad days” not so bad.

Good Planning

Get together physically or virtually and plan your next six months together. Use an online calendar like this one, there lots of free ones that you can find online.  Three months into your plan start planning your next six months, this will make the time pass by quicker. Plan visits and vacations together and make sure to spend lots of quality time together doing things that you dreamt of doing while you were apart. You friends and family will have to be put on stand by while your partner is in town.


Don’t be lazy, think about all the special things that your partner would love to receive and do them. It doesn’t mean that you have to send gifts and spend tons on money on the relationship. The Internet is full of free games, goodies and communities for couples in long distance relationships. There are even collections of long distance relationship quotes and inspirational stories that you can use to infuse your relationship with the men you met on adultfrienedfinder. Here’s a great website where you can find lots of resources online.

Also make sure that you set limits with each other, in terms of how much money, time and effort you are willing to put into your long distance love to keep yourself grounded.

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