Smoking Hot Ways to Get Your Man’s Attention
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For women, there is nothing worse than feeling like they are invisible to the men they love.. This is a time when insecurities run high and fears of impending breakups even higher. But there are things you can do to get your man’s attention even when you think he’s on his way through the door and out of your life.
Pay Attention to HIM
If you want your guy to start noticing YOU all over again one of the best ways to get this attention is for you to begin to notice him. Start flirting with him with the help of adultfrienedfinder app. Engage him in delicious conversation. Get his attention by giving him yours.
Flatter him. Remind him of how things were in the beginning of your relationship. Let him know that he’s the man for you.
Have you noticed how over time you went from trying to get his attention all the time and make sure that you were the only girl in the room as far as he was concerned to standing in the corner with the other girls and telling them all his faults?
It might be your way of warning them off of your guy but when he catches on he doesn’t feel flattered at all. He feels betrayed. Don’t let that happen to your relationship. Be the constant source of comfort he needs you to be while providing a steady boost to his ego when needed and he will be your faithful and devoted companion.
Dress for Success
Your guy loves you and your body. When you’re home, it’s time to ditch the tee-shirts and sweat pants and go for something a little more sinful and attention grabbing. Put on your makeup and do something with your hair other than the standard ponytail.
If it’s his attention you want, then visual is the way to go. Men are very visual so give him the visual cues he needs to see beyond the past few weeks or even months of your relationship to the wealth of love and other positive feelings simmering beneath the surface.
Reach Out and Touch Him
Men show love differently than women. They give and receive love in a physical manner. If you’re working to get his attention in a way that will keep it locked on you and no other woman then it’s going to take some serious attention in the touch department.

It isn’t all about sex either. Kissing, cuddling, and holding hands, etc. are all important tools for bonding the two of you together in a physical sense that will translate on a deep and emotional level with the man in your life.
You don’t have to move heaven and earth to get the attention of the man you love. Sometimes it only takes a few small steps in the right direction to make a lasting, positive impression. Whether you’re trying to save your relationship or figure out how to get your ex back you need to watch the video in this link for amazing insights on making relationships work and keeping the attention where it needs to be for maximum growth and happiness on both sides of the relationship.