Three Ways To Get Her To Notice You

Three Ways To Get Her To Notice You

All you need to do is make little jokes when she does something dumb, or screws up. When a woman can’t seem to do something simple (like getting her keychain out of her purse), I usually say something like, “What’s the matter, too many moving parts?”.

It’s a wiseass comment that implies that she’s a little dumb, but I say it with a smirk on my face, and in a flirty tone of voice. This really turns up her attraction for you, trust me. Just don’t go too far, and say something obnoxious or mean. THAT doesn’t turn women on.


Whether your friends with a woman from adultfrienedfinder, or you’re dating her, she needs to hold up her end of things. Most guys make the mistake of thinking that dating is like a contest.

They think that they are supposed to just kiss her ass long enough for her to agree to sleep with them. Listen to me carefully…


In order for her to respect you as an equal, you have to expect to be treated as one. That doesn’t mean you say it outright, but you demonstrate it through your behavior and the way your treat her.

FOR EXAMPLE: If she shows up late more than once, you need to call her on it. Just tell her that being on time is one of the ways that you show people that you respect and care about them, so when people are always late for you, you usually stop spending time with them.

This will send the message to her loud and clear that she needs to be on her best behavior with you, and she’ll respect you for it. No woman wants to spend time with a spineless jellyfish of a man, so hold your ground.


Remember, if you want to be different than every other guy she’s met recently, three great ways to do that are:

1 – Don’t cater to her needs or kiss her ass.
2 – Make fun of her in a fun, flirty way.
3 – Expect her to hold up her end of the relationship.

Now that you understand this, it’s time for you to learn some of my more powerful dating secrets. Things like:

  • How to ask a woman out in a way that REALLY gets her attention.
  • How to get women to pick YOU UP!
  • How to talk to women and start conversations.
  • How to please her sexually in a way that will make her brag to her friends about you.
  • And so much more.

You can gain instant access to these secrets, and a lot more by visiting this URL right now:

Go ahead and check it out right now, while it’s fresh in your mind. And I’ll see you next week with another killer dating tip.

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