Facebook Game

Facebook Game

A new field of e-gaming is developing, where you can find an endless selection of girls right in your study. Whatever type of girl your looking to pickup, Facebook is the most effective (and free) unofficial online dating website at your fingertips.

Welcome to Facebook Game 

One of the best points of Facebook is the variety of girls to be met online, not just your typical Saturday night party girls. There’s the intellectually introverted art students, the sweet girl from next door or your sexy, sassy, opinionated honeys; the possibilities are infinite.


To start picking up on Facebook, and open up your world of Internet dating, the first thing you need to do is set up an account similar like you used to do on adultfrinendfinder. Go to Facebook.com right now (if you havent already) and get started.

When creating your account, its important to portray the best positive image possible. Try to fill in as many fields of personal information as possible. Emphasise all your better points, steering clear of your unhealthy obsessions over your ex-girlfriend, computer games or alcohol. Good points to put in, include anything that girls generally find interesting, whether poetry, travelling, psychology, sports, dancing, tai chi or musical talents (don’t be tempted to make things up though). Put your relationship status on Single (definitely not “Complicated”) and put friendship on “looking for”. Relax your privacy settings so that your profile is open to anyone in your network, not just your friends, so girls can see what your about. Most importantly make sure your facebook profile isn’t sleazy or generic. A bit of humour in there as well always helps.

Next, put your photos up. Get some photos of yourself, smiling and having a good time with friends and family- a few good looking girls are a bonus. Photos of yourself in cool places, with famous people, or doing something fascinating are great. All of this gives you social proof and shows everyone that your a popular, well rounded guy, who has a life outside the Internet. On this note, its a good to get lots of people writing on your wall, especially hot girls, to show social proof.

After your finished creating your account, its best to have a girl you know look through it and vet it in case you decided to join the “Sluts R Us” group or do anything else that looks a bit suspect.

Now that done you can move onto the good stuff of actual online pickup. Alphabetical is your best sorting method. Open up your local network and search through any girls you would like to message.

All other fields – Be specific as you like to really narrow the search down, or a general as you like to open up your options.

As you will see there’s a gold mine of prospects for online dating, so it’s advisable to keep track of your pickup log. So say if you’d like to poke/message 5 girls everyday you are going to need to record the page number you are on and the name of the last girl. Another way is to use is copying the URL in your browsers address bar and saving that in your log – this will then take you right back to you last search result. This is where the alphabetical sorting is vital.

The best part of “approaching” women on facebook is that you are not going to have any of the paralysing approach anxiety (found in the real world) and will be able to approach seemingly hundreds of girls in a short space of time. Some profiles on facebook have a restricted privacy setting meaning that they’ve set it so only their friends can see their profile, this is fine as you can still send a message and poke them – and don’t worry, your pokes are NOT recorded in your mini-feed so people won’t see that you’re poking (or sending messages) to 5 women every day – and think you’re a creep. However, it’s nice to have a look at someone’s profile and get an idea of what they’re all about, this will mean you can tailor that first message to any of their interest or activities and show a real interest instead of the generic poke that many other guys use.

Once you receive your first return poke (or message), no more poking- its time for messages.

What do you say? Here’s where you need some proper Facebook game and pickup skill. Keep that first message short and sweet. This is where it’s handy if she has a public profile as you will be able to ask her about any of her activities or interests i.e. “Hey, I see you’re into salsa, do you know of any good clubs around here?” Alternatively, a simple “Ouch! You’re going to leave a bruise with all that poking.” Or “Is that really you in your profile picture?”, which is a good one as she will always respond with a “Of course it is why do you ask?” and will be curious as to why you asked – i.e. what does he think of me?

Now you’ve reached the hook point it time to stop the Internet e-pickup and get it into real world seduction. Set up a real date a soon as possible. Something confident with little bit of cheeky humour is normally the best way to let her know you not a creep and persuade her to come. Tell your going to be at so-and-so place this Friday that she should drop by and buy you a drink.

Now you know how, its time to get started- the girls are at you fingertips, only one poke away!

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