Online Dating: Get noticed with great photos
However you get your photos, it’s very important that you have good quality photos in order to attract matches and especially your soul mate. To help you make your profile photos stand out amongst the other singles on your internet dating site, we’ve put together some online dating photo advice to get you started.

Ten Tips to Great Internet Dating Photos
- 1. Make your first photo a head shot and be sure to smile.
- 2. Be prepared when taking new photos. Plan ahead by deciding what you want to wear and deciding on the setting and the lighting.
- 3. For portraits, wear your best colors and wear solids. Wearing a shirt or dress that’s the color of your eyes is always a surefire bet. If you have blue eyes, wear blue. If you have brown eyes, wear brown. And if you have green eyes, wear green. Also, you may want to try on several different shirts or dresses ahead of time and have a friend help you choose which looks best.
- 4. For portraits, use indirect light. Try shooting in a place where the sun or other light reflects off the wall.
- 5. Use professional quality photos if possible, but also, post a few fun, candid shots as well. Candid shots will make you more accessible to the relationship-minded men and women on your online personals site.
- 6. Include photos that show what you love about your life – your passions, hobbies, friends, family and more.
- 7. Make sure your photos are in focus and close-up enough so people can see your smiling face.
- 8. Keep old boyfriends, girlfriends and colleagues out of the picture. In addition, never cut out or blackout someone in a photo. If you do use a group shot or one with a loved one in the picture, be sure to identify yourself in the commentary if possible.
- 9. Keep your photos recent. Most singles on your online dating site are looking for a relationship and they want to see the real you. The real you now, not ten years ago. Posting current photos shows confidence and honesty and will help you attract the kind of people you’re looking for — the kind of men and women with whom you can have a real relationship.
- 10. Update your photos often. On some sites, this will move your profile up to the top in searches so more singles will see your gorgeous, smiling face on adultfrinendfinder! Also, adding new photos will show other singles on your dating site that you’re active on the site, excited and confident about your life.