Picking a Profile Name

Picking a Profile Name

Profile names are often reflective of your personality and can be a determining factor in online dating success. Just as with your physical appearance, the more non-descript or ordinary your profile name, the less response you’ll receive. Draw attention to yourself by being creative!

An interesting or eccentric profile name can quickly draw attention, be a great conversation starter or a chance to express your individuality. Here are some things to consider when choosing an effective profile name:

Numbers in Your User Name

Many people combine their first name with the year they were born. Although not unique, this combination does give a clue of you at a glance. If you insist on a particular name, you may have to accept random numbers. For security reasons, never use personal identification numbers like your address or phone number.

E-mail Address as User Name

This is a particularly bad idea. Luckily, many dating sites will prevent you from doing this. You never want to divulge your contact or personal information unless you intentionally choose to.

Nicknames as Profile Name

You may have a nickname from elementary school that you’re considering as your user name. Be forewarned that what was cute when you were ten may not be so inspiring when you’re looking for the right person. (PerkySue may sound cute but may have sexual implications and is more suitable for adultfrinendfinder app.) Something that is amusing, personal and appropriate to your friends and family may not be entirely appropriate for strangers! If you’re trying to express a character trait or special interest with your user name, check out the adjective in the dictionary. Try to see the name through the eyes of a stranger.

Beware Sexual References

Unless you are looking for a sexual liaison, avoid references to size, behavior or body parts. If your name has implications of a sexual nature, you may turn off potential partners and limit your success.

Hobbies Expressed in a Name

With a user name like ‘BikerBob’ you know right away one of his passions. This is particularly useful, if you want a potential date or partner to share in your hobby. If you have a favorite book or TV character, you can reference it in your name but be sure it depicts the characteristics you would want to send out.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a profile name is a great opportunity to make a good impression and can be intriguing or a turn-off depending on the effort you put into it. Make sure your profile name reflects the impression you want people to have of you. Carefully consider all possible ways that you user name could be construed. Get the opinion of family and friends. There may be possible negative reactions that you have not considered. Be creative and original so that your name stands out but make sure it is for the right reasons.

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