Signs Of Cheating
If you think that your partner is cheating on you, you should first try to figure out why you have this feeling. If you falsely accuse your lover, you could possibly hurt their feelings, as well as cause trust issues, so before asking your significant other if they have been having an affair, take a look at the following signs to look out for:

- The first sign to look out for to figure out if your partner is having an affair is whether there is any change in behavior. Have they started acting differently towards you? Are they acting more distant or even cold when they are with you? Is your significant other coming home later than usual? Even positive behavioral changes can be suggestive of your partner having an affair. If they’ve been buying you more gifts and being more affectionate, it could be a way for them to alleviate some of the guilt they are feeling for having an affair. Make sure to take note of all changes in their behavior and make a mental note.
- The second sign that you should look out for to help clue you in on whether your lover is cheating on you is related to the above sign. If you notice that they’ve been changing their appearance then it’s possible that they are trying to impress someone else. It’s especially suspicious if you’ve been on your significant other to lose some weight or change their clothes for months without them doing anything and then all of a sudden if they make these positive changes, it could be a definite sign that they are having an affair.
- Another sign is whether your significant other is spending more money than you can account for. Are they taking out a lot of cash from the ATM? Do you see charges on the credit card statements that seem suspicious and can’t be accounted for? This might mean that they are spending money on someone else!
- If your friends begin acting oddly out of the blue when getting together, this could be yet another possible indication that your spouse is having an affair. This may be due to them knowing that your spouse is cheating or having been told stories about how horrible your husband/wife is.
- You find out that your spouse has an e-mail account or phone that you didn’t know about.
- Your spouse stops wearing their wedding band.
- If they become accusatory and begin asking you if you are cheating or having an affair. This is usually due to feelings of guilt.
In the end, while these signs are great indicators that your partner is having an affair, it’s quite possible that there is a plausible explanation for the changes. On the other hand, you might not see any of the clues and your partner could be cheating. This is why it’s important to listen to your gut instinct and then if you really think that your significant other is having an affair, then you should confront them and let them know why you have these suspicions. Through communication, you’ll either find out that it’s all in your head, or that you were right and that you should move on.