Best Conversation Topics

Best Conversation Topics

The national talk show host on Sun Radio Network expert, Dr. Paul Vehorn of ask, reveals some of his valuable secrets to help improve your first date and the best conversation topics.

Dr. Paul recommends that you never talk about politics because that can cause conflict in the date. You certainly don’t want that. Everyone can find something in common and the best topics for conversation are those that are not controversial.

Dr. Paul advises that it also important for you to find out what to not do, as well as what you should be doing. Dr. Paul gives an example of a topic of conversation being pets. Everybody loves pets particularly cats and dogs and it is a starting point to find out your common interests..

Dr. Paul has a lot of great advice, so take a look at his video to improve your dating or relationship results.

Dating After 50

Are you over the age of fifty , divorced or widowed after 30 years or marriage and you are looking to date again. But, it has been such a long time since you went on dates and you just don’t know where to start? This video by Donna Barnes, life and dating coach from New York City will give you some tips and advice on dating after 50.

The first step you should take is to look for places where they run senior activities. You can find these places online for example adultfrienedfinder app, or ask your children or friends to help you. Look for places for fun community things to do that will introduce you to a lot of people.

Even doing the things that you enjoy doing such as going to the museum, or an art gallery, can help you meet someone.

The best advice is to just get out there and mingle. You don’t have to live the rest of your life alone. Join clubs and groups and meet people!

Dr. Diana Kirschner: Dating Tips for Shy Women

This video created by Dr. Diana Kirschner, author of bestselling new dating book, Love in 90 Days is  aimed at the shy girls out there. These girls find it hard to approach guys, often because they have low self confidence. They are not happy with their appearance and are scared of being rejected.

Dr. Kirschner explains that it is easy to boost your confidence by improving your image. You should always try to make an effort with your appearance, no matter where you are or what you are doing. You never know who you could meet…

A quick tip is to let you hair out. Do not tie it up in a ponytail. Loose flowing hair will make you feel more feminine and sexy.

Pick an outfit that you feel confident in, something to suit your body shape and won’t cling to those muffin tops, nor hang off you like a net curtain. Express your identity in your clothing. Be your real self.

When you do meet that man, smile and make eye contact. You look fantastic and he knows it. Go get him, girl!!

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