Best Romance Movies

Best Romance Movies

Here’s list of the best romance movies, as chosen by our ASKMichaela e-mailers. So pop some popcorn and kick back! Relax and spend a little time together! Slow down and cuddle up a bit!

Put HER In the Mood Movies

First Knight with Richard Gere as the handsome, chivalrous Lancelot, and Julie Ormond as the beautiful Genevieve. Sean Connery plays a kind King Arthur. This is one of the most well done King Arthur movies ever made. A beautiful first kiss scene in an English forest.

Ever After with Drew Barrymore as the caterpillar-turned-butterfly Cinderella, and handsome Dougray Scott as the Prince. Angelica Huston plays a really mean stepmother. Very touching, sweet kissing scenes…that would be a good time to put your arm around her on the sofa!

Regarding Henry with Harrison Ford as the suddenly amnesiac, brain injured lawyer, and Annette Benning as the wife who has been disconnected from him for a while. Very touching dialogue and intimate kissing as these two lovebirds reconnect and fall in love, for real, for the first time. This is a beautiful, thoughtful, “she will lay her head on your shoulder” movie.

Anna and The King with Jodie Foster as the English schoolteacher and the handsome Chow Yun-Fat as the bold Siamese king. Women everywhere love the sexual tension between these two star-crossed lovers and the way he waltzes with her and stares at her during the dance. A tender…. get–her-in-the-mood movie!

Somewhere In Time with Jane Seymour as the beautiful 19th century stage actress McKenna and Christopher Reeves as the dashing modern playwright who travels through time to meet her. Very touching romantic movie that is sure to please her!

Return to Me with David Duchovney as the puppy dog widower who is having a rough time getting over his dear wife’s death. He unknowingly meets the woman who is the recipient of his late wife’s donated heart and falls in love with her. Minnie Driver plays the beautiful woman with an adorable mixed family who reaches out to him and falls in love for the first time herself. Very beautiful loving story that will tenderize any woman toward her lover!

Dragonfly with Kevin Costner who plays a widower who notices that his late wife is reaching out to him through time to tell him something. Women everywhere adore the way timeless love is depicted in this movie…. especially at the end.

Put HIM In the Mood Movies

Jerry McGuire with Tom Cruise and Renee’ Zellwegger. Our guys from the AskMichaela files really like the way Tom Cruise plays the likeable, but slightly caddish sports agent and Zellwegger as his under appreciated assistant. This is a “give-me-a chance…. please?” movie that guys everywhere will identify with. Good choice for a sports fan!

True Lies with Arnold Schwarznegger and Jamie Curtis. Arnold plays a handsome secret agent and Jamie plays a mousy housewife turned hotty in this action packed, well-done flick! Really funny in spots with some scenes a little steamy with the well-built Jamie Curtis stripping down to her underdies in front of a disguised Arnold…. who is really her husband. One of Arnold’s best…. and one that is a very good pick for setting the mood!

The Year of Living Dangerously with Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver. An action packed spy-type movie with the under theme of a guy who falls deeply in love and risks everything to get back to save her. One of Mel Gibson’s finest! Our guys loved this one that features the beautiful Sigourney Weaver!

Four Feathers with Heath Ledger who plays an English officer who screws up and loses his fiancé,’ played by Kate Hudson, and all of his friends. As he goes to great lengths to re-gain what he lost, he becomes a better man along the way. Fantastic foreign fight scenes and touching romance scenes. A courageous, gallant and thoughtful film that is sure to put your guy in the mood!

Always with Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter. Great movie for guys that love airplanes, and being a little wild and crazy. Dreyfuss suddenly crashes and leaves sad Holly who can’t get over that he is really gone. He comes back as an invisible angel and helps her reconnect with the handsome pilot, Brad Johnson.

As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson. Along the lines of the Jerry McGuire movie. Our guy e-mailers really liked the way Nicholson plays an ordinary guy that is just trying to get it right! Funny in places and an overall feel good movie!

Sensual Movies (not pornography)

Body Heat with Kathleen Turner and William Hurt. One of the classic sensual movies of all time! Who can forget William Hurt crashing through the door to get to her! Still steaming hot….after all this time!

Killing Me Softly with Heather Graham and Joseph Fiennes. A suspenseful, erotic film about the bashful Graham being seduced by the highly sexed mountain climber, Joseph Fiennes. Beautiful foreign scenes and high charged sexual encounters make this one a top pick among our ASKMichaela e-mailers. Forget the popcorn…. get the…you know….

The Piano with Harvey Keitel and Holly Hunter about an English repressed woman who is deaf and the bohemian, wild thing that seduces her. Harvey Keitel depicts a raw sensuality as he dispenses with decorum and impatiently draws her to him using the ploy of needing piano lesson. Yeah right! Turn the lights down for this one!

Gabriela is about the right love at the wrong time. The sensual Seidy Lopez plays the beautiful therapist who falls in love with the handsome Jamie P. Gomez (Nash Bridges hunk) who is NOT her fiancé’. She can’t seem to help herself when it comes to giving into the seductive, dark and handsome Gomez. Hot and beautiful!

The Lover is about a deadly handsome, affluent Chinese man who becomes obsessed with a young English girl, the delicate Jane March. He is almost afraid to touch her, but falls madly in love with her and takes her to his private apartment where he makes love to her while the crowded Chinese city bustles outside and the ceiling fan over head tries to cool them off! The only word that can adequately describe this movie about forbidden love is STEAMY!

Romantic Comedy Movies

The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. A hilarious story about a screwed up wedding singer and the girl that he is supposed to be helping find the music for her wedding! Very funny every time you see it! Ah, please give this poor loser a chance…please honey…please?

13 Going on 30 with Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. Really sweet, funny comedy about Jennifer Garner going from 13 to 30 in a nano second. A winner!

Kate and Leopold a very funny story about a dashing Englishman, Hugh Jackman, who falls through a portal in time and winds up in the 21st century meeting an advertising executive, Meg Ryan, who initially thinks that he’s somewhat weird. But the gentlemanly Jackman woos her softly and makes everybody feel good in the process! A very funny and touching film!

Mr. Destiny played by James Belushi, Michael Caine, Rene Russo and Linda Hamilton. A screwed up guy, Belushi meets an angel who changes his destiny and causes him to switch places with his rich boss. Very funny scenes, and sweet romance between Belushi and Hamilton. Lighthearted…sweet romance.

The Guru is a laugh out loud very funny movie about a handsome Indian guy, Jimi Mistry who comes to America seeking fame and fortune. He winds up playing a faux guru, and the rest of it…. well…it’s so funny! No wonder we find Indians so adorable! Heather Graham and Marisa Tormei play his love interests and do a superb job! Great music and dancing… and very funny dialogue!

My Big Fat Greek Wedding is a hilarious look at a guy who falls in love with a gorgeous Greek gal and her whole family. The handsome John Corbett is her suitor and Nia Vardalos is the vivacious Greek beauty! A really sweet funny look at the wonderful Greek culture!

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