Dating Brazilian Women
With their long legs, exotic features and sexy accents, it shouldn’t be a wonder why so there are so many gorgeous Brazilians. It also shouldn’t be a mystery why so many Western men go absolutely ga-ga for Brazilian women. And while it’s generally easy for a Western male to date in Latin America, this is not the case for Brazil.
After spending more than a year in Rio, I thought I’d share some observations that I have made for those men who are interested dating Brazilian women.
* Disclaimer: Of course you cannot generalize and say that all Brazilian women are the same. There are differences in socio-economic status, education levels, ethnicity and class. However, there are cultural similarity in which people are raised and hopefully my experiences can help you be more successful with dating Brazilian women.
Many Brazilian girls are raised to be feminine and do girly things (for example, you’ll find many women who have taken piano and ballet lessons). They are also encouraged to take care of themselves and therefore spend a good portion of their time on their looks – body, clothes and hair. Staying attractive is sine qua non.
When it comes to meeting a Brazilian women, don’t be afraid to be aggressive. If you are having a good conversation and sense some chemistry after about 20 minutes, then don’t be afraid to go in for a kiss. A kiss doesn’t signify intimacy the way it does in the US. Kissing is normal in Brazil and part of the mating process.
Be aware that things move fast so once you get a number, feel free to give a call the next day and make plans. No need to wait three days! When making the plans, keep it simple. No need to go out to a fancy dinner and movie. In Brazil, take her to the beach and for a drink at Devassa Bar in Ipanema or just grab some juice on the beach. No need to make it complicated or expensive.
When it comes to marriage, many Brazilian women have been raised with the primary focus being to get married and have children while having a career as a secondary pursuit. That pattern is slowly changing with the younger generation who are putting more focus on careers first.
Speaking of marriage, when it comes to the engagement and wedding, Brazilian women typically do things differently. They don’t require you to spend thousands on a diamond ring. They just don’t have that type of tradition. They are happy with the simple type of ring or wedding band.
When it comes to marrying a Brazilian woman and having kids, there are some cultural differences when it comes to the couple. In Brazil, the focus is not on the entire family, but on the couple as the main unit and the children as a second unit. Brazilian women want the romance to continue regardless of the amount of time you’ve been married. They want to still walk hand in hand and have PDA as well as please their man and know that they come first.
Because there is such a strong sense of family ties and due to their natural warmth, Brazilian ladies are extremely family oriented, very loyal, feminine looking and affectionate companions!
I know several intercultural couples consisting of Brazilian women with an American man and from my experience, the ones that have the best relationship are the ones where each person is aware of the others culture. Best of luck in your hunt for dating and possibly marrying a Brazilian woman!