Help Yourself Believe You Can Attract the Right Partner or Get the Love You Want

Help Yourself Believe You Can Attract the Right Partner or Get the Love You Want

Are you having a hard time believing that you can have a wonderful, deeply satisfying, loving relationship? Do you think thoughts that make it impossible for you to believe that your dreams of true love will ever come true? Do you wish life was different; people were different, so that you can have the relationship you have always dreamed of?

By now you have been exposed to enough ideas about law of attraction to realize that you should think positively. If I told you it would be a good idea to think that you can and will attract the right partner or that you can get more love in your current relationship, you would agree with me.

But you might ask, as many of my clients do, “How can I think positively, when what I see around me are people who are not a good fit for me? How am I ever going to find the kind of relationship I want? How am I ever going get my partner to turn around his or her behavior and love me the way I want to be loved?”

And I will tell you, the way I tell my clients, that you see what you think – NOT see and then think. Something in your past, likely in your childhood, set you up to think that you can’t have love, or that all men or women are this way or that, or that you don’t ever want to get that close to someone, etc. And those thoughts became the things you see. That is why, when you look around, you only see what you already think. And there’s work to be done on changing your mind. And that that’s the kind of work we can do in coaching. Curious about coaching? See here.

But I will also tell you that you need to start retraining your mind to see the world differently, and learn to see what you want to see. The way to do this is to reprogram your thoughts. You need to flood your mind with as much positive information as you can daily. Listen daily to books and courses on positive thinking, the law of attraction, expending your potential, achieving your dreams! Do you work out, commute, grocery shop, vacuum, do the dishes or laundry, needle point, walk? All of these and any other tasks that use your body but not your mind are a great time to feed yourself positive information. Feed your brain messages of possibility so that you can more easily tune into the love you want.

Here are audios I recommend to my clients to feed their brain:

1. A course on creating the life you want. Here is a very powerful audio program to teach you exactly how to attract what you want. It’s not cheap, but well worth every penny and it tops 12 hours of very powerful audio.

2. Get this unabridged audio CD set to learn the ins and out of law of attraction. It is well worth it, even if you have seen the Secret movie or read the book, because you can’t always read or watch, but you can almost always listen. Listen to this audio about 40 times all the way through before you assume you got the information fully.

3. Get this audio cd set to learn what your emotions mean, how to use them to get the love you want, and use them to tap into the law of attraction.

4. Get this program to help you see what a healthy, vital, deeply loving relationship looks like – with the help of adultfrienedfinder app so that you know what you are going for – and to learn about some of the ways to get there. This particular program is not cheap, but well worth every penny.

With these four courses/audio books, you will have about 40 hours of super-positive, uplifting, brain-feeding and life-changing information. Listen to something on this list daily, for at least 30 to 60 minutes, or add some of your favorite resources to the list. Do this for a month and notice the difference you start to see in the world around you in terms of whom you see and what you begin to believe is possible. And then keep listening.

Go! And below please share other resources that help you think positively and believe you can attract the love of your life or get more love in your relationship.

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