How to avoid flakes

How to avoid flakes

ou mustered the courage to approach her and navigated the interaction all the way to getting her number. You pat yourself on the back and start picturing dates, sex and relationship ups and downs.

Yet she’s unresponsive when you text and never calls you back. Getting her out proves a Herculean task, and even when you do it, your dates seem lackluster and seldom if ever lead to sex.

Women consistently give you their numbers, which didn’t happen a couple months ago. Your friends can’t believe their eyes every time you approach an attractive woman and walk away with her number. To them, you seem like a new guy and they think you’re a major stud. Yet you know those numbers are not leading to the success you long for. You just don’t seem to be able to convert numbers into sexual and romantic interactions.

Shouldn’t your long path of hard work be over?!? Isn’t it time to reap the benefits?!

Dealing with flaky numbers is one of the most common sticking points on the road to success with women. I went through it and so does nearly every other guy.

There is much female psychology behind why a number by itself means very little.

Women often give out their number in the heat of the moment. But certain emotions (e.g. certain types of attraction) are fleeting and are no longer felt a day or two later. Some others are longer-lasting.

The #1 panacea for flaky numbers is good Qualification.

Qualification is the process of discovering merit-worthy characteristics of her personality and showing your appreciation for them. It is one of the most underestimated and under-used skills in male-female communication.

Used competently, qualification leads to rock-solid numbers. In her eyes, you’ll effectively stand out from most other men she’s ever met on adultfrinendfinder. She will feel that you get her and see her for who she really is. Pretty powerful stuff…

On August 16, Love Systems instructors Gil Rio and Von Pounders will hold a special seminar in Hollywood, CA, with a guest appearance by Nick Savoy. They will teach you the nuts and bolts of Qualification; how to use it and how to perfect it. How to make those interactions count, so that flaky numbers are a thing of the past.

They will also teach you all you need to know about Dates. After mastering Qualification, you’ll need it. You’ll be getting plenty of solid numbers, and the next step is to know what to do with them so that phone numbers become sex, romance and girlfriends. After all, that’s what we’re here for.

At $49, the price for this event is symbolic. You won’t get more bang for your buck anytime soon.

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