So fresh and so clean
It is relatively hard to know exactly what to wear to look as attractive as possible with so many choices out there, and all of the music artists, actors, etc. which cload your mind by making you believe you should copy what they wear, while in reality they are the only people who can pull off wearing such flashy set-ups without looking stupid. So after alot of thought, research, and trial and error, I think I’ve whipped up the perfect recipe to help you spark the ladies’ interest by wearing the right kind of gear. Let’s start with the most important and work our way up…
The Kicks
Your shoes are very important because women on adultfrienedfinder tend to notice what is on a man’s feet rather quickly, and some may judge you based on what they observe. With that in mind, always take care of your shoes by cleaning them regularly, and when they start looking a little old it’s time to hit the mall. I like to wear sneakers almost all of the time, and boots during the winter.
If you can not afford multiple pairs of shoes, try to stay away from black sneakers, or any other color for that matter. Those new baby blue sneakers may look cool on the shelf, but they will look stupid on your feet, and you probably only have one or two outfits they will go with. However, if you can afford more than one new pair of shoes at a time then it is important to keep your wardrobe in mind when shopping for shoes… only buy shoes that will look good with at least one of your best outfits.

Unless your running a marathon or just signed your deal with an NBA team, then say no to anything with bubbles, strange designs, pumps, or shiny/hologram materials. When it comes to white sneakers, ALWAYS buy classics, and I mean all white classics. Make sure there are no other colors on your white sneakers, not even a little logo, or they will not look good with your nicer clothes.
The recommended type of white classics are made by many well known companys, the best being K-Swiss and Reebok. I just picked up the new K-Swiss classics, which are some of the best I’ve ever had. However, sometimes sneakers will just not cut it, so you will have to go with dress shoes (black not brown). When buying a pair of dress shoes don’t try to go too dressy. For instance, stay away from the really shiny ones with those little bows on the top. Wearing shoes like those will make you appear to be not very approachable, and besides, your trying to pick up women, not get a job 🙂
The Pants/Shorts
There are only three options when it comes to pants: jeans, dress pants, and khakis. If you want to be a player, you will never be caught in public wearing sweat pants, wind pants, or anything else sporty or extremely comfortable. When buying pants, never go for anything with too many pockets. Always be aware of the color of the stiching on your pants (mostly with jeans), because that is what you will want to match your shirt with. For example, blue stiching = blue shirt, beige stiching = beige shirt, grey stiching = grey shirt.
All colors and shades of jeans, pants, and khakis seem to work fine, depending on the shirt you match with them. I’ve found that the new style of jeans that come pre-faded are particularly popular right now, so make sure you grab a pair before they go out of style. Don’t buy pants that are too baggy or too tight, in between will work just fine, otherwise you’ll look like you either can’t shop, are wearing hand-me-downs, or are stuck in your early teens.