Truth About Women Who Need To Know Why You Broke Up With Them

Truth About Women Who Need To Know Why You Broke Up With Them

Women, who need to know the reasons why you broke up with them, will never actually be satisfied with whatever reasons you give them, if you give them a reason at all.

After a breakup, of course she is going to want to know the reasons why you broke up with her both out of simple curiosity and a perhaps a need to defend whatever reasons you might give for the breakup; in an effort to “get you back”.

Yet the truth is that knowing why you broke up with her isn’t going to help her and it really isn’t going to help you.

Once she knows the reasons for you breaking up with her your reasons are going to be put into 2 categories by her.

  1. Unreasonable reason on your part that no woman can expect to live up to.
  2. Reasonable and something that she promises to work on when you give her another chance.

Hopefully, you have already realized where this discussion on you giving her the reasons why you broke up with her has led.

It is no longer about her curiosity or need to move on rather it is a negotiation on the steps the two of you need to take in order to get back together.

If she is really good, she might even turn the subject of reasons off of her and on to you and what she would like you to change.

Either way you gain absolutely nothing by carrying on a discussion with her about the reasons why you broke up with her and met another girl on login.

The reasons for the break up aren’t going to change simply because you have verbally expressed them to her (which you more than likely did before) and if they did it would only be temporary.

As women tend to fall into the same old patterns they are used to once the threat of the breakup is removed and she knows that she can talk you back in to getting back together.

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