Seduction Skills

Seduction Skills

Here are the top 10 seduction skills presented to you by seduction expert, The Player. You will find that I have already covered a lot of these topics, so if we both agree they are important, odds are that you should look into them.

Confidence – As if I haven’t said it enough, I think The Player says it best: “It’s more important than muscles, brains, money and everything else.”

Flirting Skills – Being able to flirt is the ingredient that makes it all possible. If you can’t flirt well, you will have a big problem coming off as someone more than a friend.

Conversation Skills – While flirting shows the sexual side of you, conversational skills show the more personal side of you. If you aren’t skilled in both, forget about it.

Understanding Women – Another great quote: “You can’t hop in a helicopter, start pressing random buttons and expect not to crash. This works the same way”. If you understand women on adultfriendrfinder, you will understand what you are doing right or wrong.

Your Personality – There are certain qualities that women are attracted to or unattracted to. Don’t you agree women would want a guy with a sense of humor or someone who remains calm and confident? Develop the qualities that women obviously look for.,

Charisma – Most men don’t regularly maintain a level of energy to stand out from the crowd. While striking the balance is difficult, most women are attracted to people that have more charisma than most.

Fear Of Rejection – Like those classic motivational posters say, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” If you don’t approach a woman and you aren’t a male model, you have lost the game before it has even begun.

Playing Hard To Get – Basic psychology. If you give in too easy, there is no fun in trying to get you. Make yourself a prize that women have to earn.

Eye Contact – Some men have the ability to walk into a room and possess everyone in it. A large part of this is eye contact. Eye contact creates a personal connection.

Your Appearance – You can improve your physical appearance since it is in fact one of many things that are important to picking up women. Make sure your hair is cut, you are clean-shaven, and that you follow good hygeien and also that you use latest gadgets such as best thrusting vibrator.

Assess yourself compared to this list of the most important seduction skills and improve the areas you are weak in. Even some simple changes can have an astounding effect.

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