The Pussy Magnet

The Pussy Magnet

As one of the oldest trainers, Shamwow got into game relatively late. Having been to university and come out the other side, running his own business, Shamwow had variable but not consistent success with women, generally “going with the flow” and playing the numbers game. He largely followed the route of his peers settling into long term relationships but never really found the kind of dating success he always dreamed of.

Through his work, Shamwow studied several aspects of social psychology and was keen to use this for his own self development and social skills. This naturally led to him building a high value lifestyle. And then he focused on his gaming skills. One steep learning curve later, led to Project Las Vegas where Adam Lyons declared him “The King of Vegas.” He became known as the purveyor of the Crazy Adventure and his high energy style draws women in to his world to give them an unforgettable experience. Shamwow has proven that it is possible to hold a high powered career as well as live a rock’n roll lifestyle.

Dearly beloved,
It’s been a while since my last post, so for this one I would like to talk about a topic close to my heart: Polarity.
More specifically, sexual polarity.
You see, one of the commonest sticking points I see with students, is the inability to comfortably behave as the alpha male. You know, the guy who leads the girl, has a commanding presence, lives by his own rules and is not one to fuck with.

I suppose, society has evolved to brand this behaviour as brash, obnoxious and even downright misogynistic, and as such we all to some extent have a tendency to suppress this behaviour as it feels uncomfortable to many. Almost to the point of apology for behaving as a man.
The fact that approach anxiety even exists is testament to how we are socially programmed away from our male polarity.

The idea of polarity is, like opposite poles of a magnet which attract, male behaviour attracts female behaviour, and this primal response is integral to the mating process.
The challenge is figuring out what polarity means in an increasingly feminised society.
If this is your sticking point, breaking it WILL be out of your comfort zone.

In nature, the alpha male is the male of the pack with the highest rank, normally associated with his physical prowess. Aggression is often a characteristic of an alpha male, but this is merely a manner of carrying oneself rather than trying to pick fights all the time as this is not usually conducive to survival. And yes, all the chicks like to go for the alpha male. Being the alpha male in nature is the ultimate status symbol.

So I’d like to highlight a number of so-called characteristic male traits, to help create a picture of masculinity.

Sex-oriented rather than love-oriented
Controls emotions.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but as much as we can accept that all these qualities are undeniably male, many of us have suppressed these qualities under the belief that they may be considered socially unfavourable.

Now, at this point, I don’t want groups of guys running out slapping girls on the bum and calling them “Toots,”but I would like us all to figure out where these qualities fit in the modern world.
Indeed, it is no coincidence that these qualities contribute to what many women are attracted to.

This leads me to a point of significant confusion in the understanding of inner game.

We teach students to not be dependent on outcomes and to eliminate neediness and want. Yet at the same time, we are aiming for them to go for the close.Seems like a contradiction in terms.However, we are trying to teach sexual intent, rather than focus on outcomes.

So what’s the difference?

Well, it all boils down to who you are, ya know, how you roll. If inside, you are the kind of guy who for argument’s sake, wants to get laid because it would mean kudos with your mates, then it means that you are seeking value and this repels when projected.
However, if someone gets laid a lot and that is just a part of who they are, then not only does that create a state which women will want to be a part of, but also makes their intent more natural, almost animal.

I guess then that as an inner game concept, we should be aiming to create Animal Intent. That is to tap into our instinctive drive to seek out sexual partners in the first place. Without regard to social pressures. Or being liked. Or looking cool. Or bragging rights.

And here’s the thing. Girls know it straight away when they see it. And they cannot resist it. Because it’s, you know, science.

So how do we get it?

It’s all about becoming a sexual being. Being appreciative of the purity of the sexual act. Work out what sexy is to you. Not to everyone else.Be your sexuality from the outset-this means kino, kino, kino (if you are into German cinema) and most importantly not hiding your intent when you see sexy. Be unapologetic about it on adultfrinendfinder. It should be projected in the way you look, the way you move, the way you treat people. It is not something that springs out at the last minute.

Now scroll back up to the list of characteristic male traits and it will become apparent that they are all products of our Animal Intent. It is also quite absurd that we have “evolved” in society to suppress many of these, as this suppression serves to complicate our social mechanisms.

Now a disclaimer. Expressing your Animal Intent is not the same as going around being a dick, a misogynist or a general sex pest. The aim is to develop your natural instincts, not a sexual harassment lawsuit. The key to this is calibration. This is hard to achieve without really following by example, so maybe use a role model. Go out a lot to find your groove. Maybe take a boot-camp. And unleash yourself..

Stay classy.


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