Tips for Your First Date

Tips for Your First Date

Dating can be tough, whether it be online or in “real life”. And first dates can be especially painful for those who aren’t prepared! So what can you do to insure a great first date? How can you save yourself when things go wrong? Here is a list of dating tips to start things out right:

Keep it Simple: You’re nervous enough without setting up a big, elaborate event. Plus, you don’t want to lock yourself in to an evening that you won’t enjoy with someone you met at adultfrinendfinder and ‘re not totally comfortable with yet. A simple but elegant date is more likely to secure a second date.

Travel Separately: The issue of security is vitally important in today’s world. That being said, you should always arrange to meet on the first date. If the date isn’t working out, you have the option of cutting it short and your date will not know where you live. It also protects you from your own impulses to invite your date in and have regrets afterward.

Women… Dress Moderately : Unless your intent is to hook up for the night, be careful when choosing what to wear. Men often see signals in the way women dress that are not their intention. Sexy low-cut dresses, short-shorts and tank tops are taken at face value as an invitation for a more intimate encounter. And on top of that, who needs to worry about keeping a dress in place or having a belt cutting off circulation when we’re just trying to get to know someone.

Men… Appearance is Paramount: A well groomed appearance and good hygiene say a lot to a woman so don’t forget a clean shave and mouthwash. Go easy on the cologne; you don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard.

Conversation is the Key: The only way you will ever get to know someone is through conversation. Stay away from religion, politics and old flames; choose personal interest topics like hobbies, sports, kids, etc. Be attentive, make eye contact and be an interactive listener by encouraging the direction of the conversation.

Make Sure you let THEM Talk: It’s a fact… people love to talk about themselves. Dale Carnegie said it best, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

Paying for the Date: Who pays? This should be determined before you make your final arrangements to meet. It is often more comfortable for each person to pay their own way. If you’re not paying, stay in the middle range of the menu unless your date orders for you both.

More Common Sense Tips: Plan ahead with a mutually agreed upon activity and location. Turn off your cell phone; it doesn’t get much ruder than to answer a cell phone call when you’re on a date. And never promise to call someone if you have no intentions of doing so.

Ending the Date: Men should take it upon themselves to call it a night. By doing so, it eliminates the stress that the woman may feel about having to ‘put-out’. The conclusion of your first date should be without any strings attached and without obligations. Depending on the chemistry between the two people, a kiss goodnight is quite appropriate. Just be aware of the body language of your date and don’t move too fast. If the date didn’t go well, end it early with a prepared excuse such as ‘I have to get up early in the morning.’ Chances are your date is feeling the same and will be relieved by your action.

Relax and allow yourself to have fun and enjoy being with your date. No matter how your first date ends, dating is a process that may take some time before you will find the right person. 

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